DX3 Panel: The Evolving Role of CMOs in the Digital Space

Allison Humphries, Appnovation’s VP Strategy, recently joined other heavy-hitters of the retail industry at the virtual DX3 Conference to discuss the rapidly changing role of Chief Marketing Officers.

As part of the lively discussion, Humphries explained how highly valued experiences improve customer retention, upsell and cross-sell opportunities, as well as overall customer satisfaction. Taking this into account, it’s critical that businesses prioritize their customers' experience with their brand. 

In the new digital era, marketing needs to play a much more collaborative role in the overall customer experience. Brands must think about how the brand purpose is being reflected consistently throughout the experience, and move beyond simply selling to both selling and serving. 

This all comes down to the CMO – they must be the voice of the customer, as well as the guardian of the brand experience. Ultimately, they must define a North Star strategy that’s future-leaning and will become the glue of the organization. 

Check out Humphries’ insightful conversation with Stephen Bailey from John Fluevog, Susan Irving from Kruger Products, and Trinh Tham from Harry Rosen below.

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The Digital Consumer: A 2021 Research Report
Strategy & Insights

The Digital Consumer: A 2021 Research Report

09 March, 2021|3 min