How we partnered with Tobago Tourism Agency to create a modernized website.
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The Tobago Tourism Agency knew they would need a big push to get their online presence felt to attract more tourists to the beautiful island of Tobago. They were looking for a modern, attractive and functional website to reach a new audience. Tobago Tourism reached out to us as a partner for this exciting new endeavour.


Tobago Tourism selected Drupal 8 for its website as it offered suitable out-of-the-box features and user-friendly content management capabilities. We incorporated CrowdRiff for user-generated content, allowing users to upload content to the site as well as Fractal to create an atomic design component library that seamlessly integrated with the site, facilitating efficient and brand-compliant page creation.


We continue to work with Tobago Tourism to add some advanced features to their site. Tourism Tobago has also leveraged our subscription services for maintaining their site. We exceeded expectations for MVP deadline by providing 7 functional pages.

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